Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 04:04:34 -0700
Subject: Re: Why We Went Into Iraq - For the Benefit of Sean Lewis.
On Saturday, August 31, 2013 11:12:30 PM UTC-4, VT Sean Lewis wrote:
Lew you stupid Gullible man....WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saddam Hussein did not possess stockpiles of illicit weapons at the time of the U.S. invasion in March 2003 and had not begun any program to produce them, a CIA report concludes.
In fact, the long-awaited report, authored by Charles Duelfer, who advises the director of central intelligence on Iraqi weapons, says Iraq's WMD program was essentially destroyed in 1991 and Saddam ended Iraq's nuclear program after the 1991 Gulf War.
The Iraq Survey Group report, released Wednesday, is 1,200 to 1,500 pages long.
The report was released nearly two years ago to the day that President Bush strode onto a stage in Cincinnati and told the audience that Saddam Hussein's Iraq "possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons" and "is seeking nuclear weapons."
"The danger is already significant and it only grows worse with time," Bush said in the speech delivered October 7, 2002. "If we know Saddam Hussein has dangerous weapons today -- and we do -- does it make any sense for the world to wait to confront him as he grows even stronger and develops even more dangerous weapons?"
Speaking on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, Bush maintained Wednesday that the war was the right thing to do and that Iraq stood out as a place where terrorists might get weapons of mass destruction.
"There was a risk, a real risk, that Saddam Hussein would pass weapons or materials or information to terrorist networks, and in the world after September the 11th, that was a risk we could not afford to take," Bush said.
But Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, seized on the report as political ammunition against the Bush administration.
"Despite the efforts to focus on Saddam's desires and intentions, the bottom line is Iraq did not have either weapon stockpiles or active production capabilities at the time of the war," Rockefeller said in a press release.
"As we speak, over 1,700 individuals -- military and civilian -- are in Iraq and Qatar, continuing to search for facts about Iraq's WMD programs," Warner said.
But Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, ranking Democrat on the committee, said 1,750 experts have visited 1,200 potential WMD sites and have come up empty-handed.
"It is important to emphasize that central fact because the administration's case for going to war against Iraq rested on the twin arguments that Saddam Hussein had existing stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and that he might give weapons of mass destruction to al Qaeda to attack us -- as al Qaeda had attacked us on 9/11," Levin said.
Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, asked Duelfer about the future likelihood of finding weapons of mass destruction, to which Duelfer replied, "The chance of finding a significant stockpile is less than 5 percent."
U.S. officials said the Duelfer report is "comprehensive," but they are not calling it a "final report" because there are still some loose ends to tie up.
One outstanding issue, an official said, is whether Iraq shipped any stockpiles of weapons outside of the country. Another issue, he said, is mobile biological weapons labs, a matter on which he said "there is still useful work to do."
Duelfer said Wednesday his teams found no evidence of a mobile biological weapons capability.
The U.S. official said he believes Saddam decided to give up his weapons in 1991, but tried to conceal his nuclear and biological programs for as long as possible. Then in 1995, when his son-in-law Hussain Kamal defected with information about the programs, he gave those up, too.
On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:20 PM, lew <> wrote:
When Saddam Hussein surrendered at the end of the 1991 Gulf Wear when he tried to Kuwait and was trounced by the U.S., in order for him to remain president of Iraq, he had to - within 90 days of Surrender:
Personally prove and show the UN. (1) Where his WMD's were if he had any and/or (2) If he had had some, he had to prove to the UN where they went. - Proof of disposal or Proof of giving or selling any to any country or Terrorist group or anyone.
The 90 days were over in July of 1991. The world ignored it all - mildly irritated but gradually, Saddam was thumbing his nose at the world, knowing nothing would happen. Bill Clinton went through his entire 8 year presidency doing nothing about Saddam. Saddam began aiding and abetting Terrorist groups. Then 9/11/2001 occurred. Then the world got concerned about Saddam's not fulfilling his promise and what if he had some poisonous gas tucked away somewhere or other WMD no one knew about and we decided we had to go in.
The UN inspectors had no bearing on Saddam's personal responsibility in regard to WMD's.
It was Saddam's personal responsibility alone.
We went in bout 4380 days after Saddam's Deadline BUT it only took three weeks for MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - Saddam was ousted for failure to keep his promise.
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If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.
Nixon 1973: "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger: "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund.
– $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil
Time will tell all the Truth.
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