
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Re: Cold War lasted 1947 - 1991 - Is Obama creating another due to his inability to talk WITH others?

gheist -
I recognize your hate  for Reagan and Bush.
Obama has run up far larger t deficits than either Reagan or Bush did.
Obama is our presient - not Reagan or Bush. and whatever they did - Obama has done it worse. thus far.

On Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:39:19 PM UTC-4, gtheist957 wrote:
obama connected to the electorate through jingoism and is a downright huckster but to answer your question yes I've already been offended by W and Reagan ran up huge deficits pandering to the military industrial complex. not all conservatives are enamored by the neocon karl rove faction of the republican party they are big government liberals turned inside out.

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 3:53 PM, <> wrote:
I am not really sure anything is intentional - I think the technology is running faster than the politics. I am not sure I fault Obama with this at all. Once an individual acquires this kind of power - who's to say what he will do with it. Would you be so offended if the President were Ronnie REAGAN? W?

And LEw - I think Obama got elected by connecting with the electorate. It's Congress thats a good bit of the problem. They left again - and left many students up in the air about student loans. L

-----Original Message-----
From: geoffrey theist <>
To: opendebateforum <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 11:26 am
Subject: Re: Cold War lasted 1947 - 1991 - Is Obama creating another due to his inability to talk WITH others?

settled in what way lew? we've had defectors in the past. snowden has justified his defection by revealing the domestic spying which in itself is highly disturbing but no surprise. what is even more disturbing is the way these clowns in this adm. have allowed the Chinese to diffuse the fact that they are hacking into our government data banks and turned it back on us.
  we have to cut our losses in respect to snowden and shore up our computer networks. unless he comes back voluntarily the only option is to execute an American citizen without the benefit of due process. disregarding the rule of law. something the Obama  administration has no qualms about. which in the long run is the far greater EVIL.

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 7:31 AM, lew <> wrote:
The Cold War lasted  1947 - 1991 - Is Obama creating another due to his inability to commmunicate WITH others?
Obama can talk TO people . He cannot talk WITH people.
Eric Snowden should b settled by Obama WITH Russia and/or China
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