
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Re: Dear IRS: Concerning the Content of my Prayers

My prayers are none of your business.
but your tax exempt charities are.

solution: fund your own charities with your post-taxed dollars.

On May 26, 6:07 am, lew <> wrote:
> Dear IRS: Concerning the Content of my Prayers
> *By* *Fay Voshell* <>
> Dear IRS,
> I understand your people have been deeply interested in the content of my
> prayers.
> I never thought I'd see the day.
> I have always assumed prayer in any form goes against the current notion
> many of you in the IRS share -- the notion that absolute separation of
> Church and State involves suppression of any religious expression in
> public.
> We religious types are used to being called out for praying at football
> games, graduations, and the like. But I hadn't thought you would be
> interested in the private prayers offered by me and my like-minded fellow
> citizens -- people who collectively wish to put their concerns before the
> Almighty.
> Was I ever wrong!
> I'm shocked you are inquiring about private thoughts before God. I assume
> you may also want to talk to our pastors, insisting they break their vows
> to keep confessions confidential?
> I suppose I should not be surprised at your behavior, since a great Prophet
> warned there would always be people who desired to pry into all the secretsof the human heart. "Be on your guard," he said. "There is nothing
> concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made
> known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and
> what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed
> from the roofs."
> Let me be clear: My prayers are none of your business. I like to keep my
> thoughts between me and my God. But since you asked, I will let you know
> what I'm praying. I pray for my family.
> I ask they will be blessed, particularly the littlest members. I ask they
> grow up to be pure, true, noble and brave. I ask they be preserved from
> predators who wish to devour their minds, bodies and souls. I ask God to
> place guardian angels around them to keep them from harm. I pray that when
> and if God calls them home to live with Him, they are escorted by angels. I
> pray the death of innocents and innocence will cease.
> I pray for the Church.
> I ask she will be free to preach the blessed gospel of Christ in all its
> permutations. I ask she is salt to preserve an increasingly corrupt
> culture. I pray for bravery for her as she faces persecution here and
> around the globe. I pray her priests and pastors will be emboldened to
> stand up for the truth.
> But I am guessing you don't care much about my prayers for my family and my
> church. I am guessing you want to know what I am praying about the
> government, the nation and the world. You want to know where I stand
> politically, and think my prayers will give you some clues.
> Very well.
> Here is some of what I pray:
> I pray God will recall the good deeds of America and have mercy on a nation
> which stood up and battled at great cost the evils of fascism and
> communism, taking down the Nazi scourge and felling the Iron Curtain. I ask
> God to remember the great good our nation has done, to take note of her
> generosity to nations less fortunate, to remember how many of the poor and
> oppressed she has absorbed into her borders. I ask him to recall her great
> deeds of generosity, for her attempts to ameliorate the grim conditions of
> those living in poverty, afflicted by disease, destroyed by famine, and
> ground down by oppression.
> Then, knowing what evils presently afflict her, I ask God to recall her to
> Him. I ask she repents and is forgiven. I pray for an end to the massacre
> of the unborn, an end to the rise of infanticide and mercy killing. I pray
> for the true education of our children, and for rich opportunities for them
> to rise to their God-given potential. I ask for the reform of our once
> great academic institutions and for the triumph of thinking over ideology.
> I pray for our military, that it not be corrupted but that it remains
> honorable, strong and committed to our defense and the defense of freedom
> everywhere.
> And, yes, I pray for our government. I ask that whatever evil is hidden
> within be exposed; whatever nefarious machinations are being carried out be
> brought to the light and expunged. I ask perpetrators of evil be punished
> according to the law. I ask true reform sweep throughout our national,
> state and city governments. I pray for just and righteous servants to be
> raised up as leaders. I pray for congress, our courts and our executives to
> be models of integrity, justice and righteousness.
> I ask for honesty and impartiality to reign in our civic institutions,
> including the IRS.
> You read that correctly. I pray for the IRS, too.
> I ask that it and its employees be returned to the impartiality demanded of
> our civil servants. I ask that if it fails that test and continues in the
> paths of oppression and corruption, it collapses and is replaced with a
> more just system.
> I ask for discernment and courage for my fellow citizens. I pray we are
> always on the alert. I pray we all will render to Caesar what is justly
> his. I ask we respect and honor in as far as possible our government and
> our fellow citizens. I ask we have the bravery to refuse obedience when our
> leaders demand we go against our God-given consciences.
> Last, I pray we will not give to Caesar what he has no right to know, much
> less demand or control; namely, our consciences, our thoughts, our hopes
> and our dreams -- and our prayers.
> *Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, which
> awarded her the Charles Hodge prize for excellence in systematic theology.
> She was selected as one of the Delaware GOP's "Winning Women," class of
> 2008. Her writing has been published in American Thinker and National
> Review. She may be reached at*
> *<>
> Follow us: *@AmericanThinker on Twitter*<>|
> *AmericanThinker on Facebook*<>

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