
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Re: Buush Humane? Obama more Humane?

SADDAM might have not wanted a trail and just been hung

bin Laden didn't see it coming and he died quick

Obama more humane

On 5/31/12, lew <> wrote:
> Humane?
> Bush - Capture and Trial before his peers for Saddam Hussein prior to
> death?
> Obama - Murder Osama Bin Laden?
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Re: Judgement at Malaysian hearing may help push case at ICC; Obama in violation for not pursuing indictment

Obama doesn't see any political advantage

On 5/31/12, OccupySpring <> wrote:
> Francis Boyle is a Professor of Law at the University of llinois
> School of Law, where he currently teaches courses on Public
> International Law and International Human Rights. * I would say he is
> the EXPERT on this issue*
> JAY: So how were you able to get something going at the ICC, and where
> is it at?
> BOYLE: Right. Well, numerous complaints have been filed against Bush
> and the rest of them at the International Criminal Court, but they got
> nowhere, because the United States government is not a party to the
> Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. And I was the first
> one to figure out a way around this conundrum by filing a complaint
> against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Gonzalez, Bybee, Yoo, Tenet,
> and Rice for their policy of so-called extraordinary rendition, which,
> as I pointed out to the ICC, is really a euphemism for the enforced
> disappearance of human beings and torture, both of which are Rome
> Statutory crimes. And as I pointed out to the ICC, these defendants
> have committed Rome Statutory crimes in Rome party states. Indeed most
> of Europe, where these extraordinary renditions in part took place,
> are parties to the Rome statute, as well as Afghanistan. And therefore
> I argued to the ICC that the court did have jurisdiction to prosecute
> them and should exercise that jurisdiction.
> JAY: Well, how has the ICC responded to your arguments?
> BOYLE: They responded to me saying they gave me a docket number, they
> were inquiring into the matter, and they would get back to me in
> writing
> JAY: Right. Now, what is the obligation, if any, on the Obama
> administration in regards to all of this? I mean, when President Obama
> was elected, he said it's time to look forward, not back, which, you
> know, a lot of people have suggested that would mean no crimes of any
> kind would ever be punished, 'cause it's always happened already. But
> is there any legal obligation on the Obama administration to
> investigate/prosecute? And if so, the fact that they haven't, what
> does that mean?
> BOYLE: Yes, the Obama administration has all along had an obligation
> to prosecute Bush and the rest of them under the Convention against
> Torture, including U.S. implementing legislation for that convention,
> making torture a crime, a felony, and in some circumstances punishable
> by death if death has occurred, which it has, although I don't support
> the death penalty. But it does give you an idea of the severity of the
> crimes. And also the Obama administration has an obligation to
> prosecute these individuals under the four Geneva conventions of 1949,
> including the U.S. implementing legislation, the U.S. War Crimes Act.
> So there is an obligation by Obama to prosecute. Perhaps in a second
> term they might. We'll just have to see what happens.
> You are correct to indicate that so far they said they were looking to
> the forward and not to the past. I pointed out then to the ICC
> prosecutor that this is definitive proof that the Obama administration
> is not going to prosecute at this time and therefore satisfies the
> element known as subsidiarity, which requires the ICC to defer to the
> national state for prosecution before the ICC steps in. And if you
> already have Obama and Holder saying they're not going to prosecute,
> that satisfies that requirement and puts it firmly in the hands of the
> ICC.
> JAY: And is the Obama administration then itself in violation of the
> law by not pursuing this?
> BOYLE: That's correct. It's clearly in violation of the Convention
> against Torture and the four Geneva conventions of 1949, and, I regret
> to report, technically this would make them accessories after the fact
> to these offenses.
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Re: Edwards walks free...

so DONNA you like men who get away cheating on their wives

I LIKE THIS, the new you

On 5/31/12, OccupySpring <> wrote:
> :o)
> --
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Re: What is Liquidfied Natural Gas

because we ;o) know what his mommy was like

On 5/31/12, OccupySpring <> wrote:
> why would we lose Nom?
> and I always knew you was nothing but a provocateur.
> On May 31, 10:19 am, EARL DOYLE <> wrote:
>> well when i'm wrong i'm wrong, i was trying to prove ;o) was wrong
>> don't look at me
>> have we lost NOM
>> I hope not
>> On 5/31/12, OccupySpring <> wrote:
>> > You are MAD as a HATTER!
>> > On May 30, 5:56 pm, EARL DOYLE <> wrote:
>> >> " U.S. coal mines that produced at least 10,000 short tons of
>> >> coal during the reporting year.
>> >> As of January 1, 2011, the recoverable reserves at producing mines
>> >> were 17.9 billion short tons."
>> >> that will last the U.S. one million 800 thousand years
>> >> HOLY SHIT!!
>> >>
>> >> On 5/30/12, EARL DOYLE <> wrote:
>> >> > According to a U.S. Department of Energy Gas Hydrate Analysis , U.S.
>> >> > gas hydrate resources alone exceed 200,000 TCF (Trillion Cubic
>> >> > Feet).
>> >> > And global natural gas energy from gas hydrates may well exceed
>> >> > 500,000 TCF.
>> >> > More recent data suggests, however, that actual global gas hydrate
>> >> > resources may be more in the range of about 25,000 TCF to 135,000
>> >> > TCF
>> >> > as indicated in this Gas Energy From Methane Clathrate discussion
>> >> > from
>> >> > Wikipedia (Note: For consistency and simplicity sake I translated
>> >> > the
>> >> > Wikipedia numbers from metric scientific notation measurements into
>> >> > the TCF figures above).
>> >> > That still far exceeds known, proved natural gas energy reserves of
>> >> > about 6,000 TCF. It also far exceeds the total known natural gas
>> >> > energy from all sources other than gas hydrates of about 13,000 TCF.
>> >> > To say that gas hydrates are a vast natural gas energy resource is a
>> >> > vast understatement.
>> >> > Though recovering and bringing this form of natural gas energy to
>> >> > market will prove challenging, it is a challenge that must be met.
>> >> > The
>> >> > incredible size of these deposits holds the promise of energy
>> >> > supplies
>> >> > that can last well beyond this century.
>> >> > On 5/30/12, Leader of 71 <> wrote:
>> >> >> A typical LNG process. The gas is first extracted and transported to
>> >> >> a
>> >> >> processing plant where it is purified by removing any condensates
>> >> >> such
>> >> >> as
>> >> >> water, oil, mud, as well as other gases such as CO2 and H2S. An LNG
>> >> >> process
>> >> >> train will also typically be designed to remove trace amounts of
>> >> >> mercury
>> >> >> from the gas stream to prevent mercury amalgamizing with aluminium
>> >> >> in
>> >> >> the
>> >> >> cryogenic heat exchangers. The gas is then cooled down in stages
>> >> >> until
>> >> >> it
>> >> >> is liquefied. LNG is finally stored in storage tanks and can be
>> >> >> loaded
>> >> >> and
>> >> >> shipped.
>> >> >> The liquefaction
>> >> >> <>
>> >> >> process
>> >> >> involved
>> >> >> --
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>> >> >>
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>> >
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Re: Bloomberg Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks Like Coke a Cola

he was from BOSTON and DEMOCRAT you can't get any lower as scum

On 5/31/12, <> wrote:
> bloomberg is a reptilican, like your other heroes, mkkkonnel, kkkantor,
> palin, cheney, bush and quiet and fall in line, like the rest
> of the lemmings....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: plainolamerican <>
> To: Open Debate Political Forum IMHO <>
> Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 1:38 pm
> Subject: Re: Bloomberg Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks Like
> Coke a Cola
> NYC is the epitome of the socialist nanny state.
> On May 31, 12:35 pm, Leader of 71 <> wrote:
> [image: The New York Times] <>
> <>
> ------------------------------
> May 30, 2012
> New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary DrinksBy MICHAEL M.
> New York City plans to enact a far-reaching ban on the sale of large sodas
> and other sugary drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and street carts,
> in
> the most ambitious effort yet by theBloomberg
> administration<>
> o
> combat rising
> obesity<>
> .
> The proposed ban would affect virtually the entire menu of popular sugary
> drinks found in delis, fast-food franchises and even sports arenas, from
> energy drinks to pre-sweetened iced teas. The sale of any cup or bottle of
> sweetened drink larger than 16 fluid ounces — about the size of a medium
> coffee, and smaller than a common soda bottle — would be prohibited under
> the first-in-the-nation plan, which could take effect as soon as next
> March.
> The measure would not apply to
> diet<>sodas,
> fruit juices, dairy-based drinks like milkshakes, or alcoholic beverages;
> it would not extend to beverages sold in grocery or convenience stores.
> "Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public
> health officials are wringing their hands saying, 'Oh, this is terrible,'
> "
> Mr. Bloomberg said in an interview on Wednesday in the Governor's Room at
> City Hall.
> "New York City is not about wringing your hands; it's about doing
> something," he said. "I think that's what the public wants the mayor to
> do."
> A spokesman for the New York City Beverage Association, an arm of the soda
> industry's national trade group, criticized the city's proposal on
> Wednesday. The industry has clashed repeatedly with the city's health
> department, saying it has unfairly singled out soda; industry groups have
> bought subway advertisements promoting their cause.
> "The New York City health department's unhealthy obsession with attacking
> soft drinks is again pushing them over the top," the industry spokesman,
> Stefan Friedman, said. "It's time for serious health professionals to move
> on and seek solutions that are going to actually curb obesity. These
> zealous proposals just distract from the hard work that needs to be done
> on
> this front."
> Mr. Bloomberg's proposal requires the approval of the Board of Health, a
> step that is considered likely because the members are all appointed by
> him, and the board's chairman is the city's health commissioner, who
> joined
> the mayor in supporting the measure on Wednesday.
> Mr. Bloomberg has made public health one of the top priorities of his
> lengthy tenure, and has championed a series of aggressive regulations,
> including bans
> onsmoking<>
> n
> restaurants and parks, a prohibition against artificial trans
> at<>
> in
> restaurant food and a requirement for health inspection grades to be
> posted
> in restaurant windows.
> The measures have led to occasional derision of the mayor as Nanny
> Bloomberg, by those who view the restrictions as infringements on personal
> freedom. But many of the measures adopted in New York have become models
> for other cities, including restrictions on smoking and trans fats, as
> well
> as the use of graphic advertising to combat smoking and soda consumption,
> and the demand that chain restaurants post calorie contents next to
> prices.
> In recent years, soda has emerged as a battleground in efforts to counter
> obesity. Across the nation, some school districts have banned the sale of
> soda in schools, and some cities have banned the sale of soda in public
> buildings.
> In New York City, where more than
> half<>of
> adults are obese or overweight, Dr. Thomas Farley, the health
> commissioner,
> blames sweetened drinks for up to half of the increase in city obesity
> rates over the last 30 years. About a third of New Yorkers drink one or
> more sugary drinks a day, according to the city. Dr. Farley said the city
> had seen higher obesity rates in neighborhoods where soda consumption was
> more common.
> The ban would not apply to drinks with fewer than 25
> calories<>
> er
> 8-ounce serving, like zero-calorie Vitamin Waters and unsweetened iced
> teas, as well as diet sodas.
> Restaurants, delis, movie theater and ballpark concessions would be
> affected, because they are regulated by the health department. Carts on
> sidewalks and in Central Park would also be included, but not vending
> machines or newsstands that serve only a smattering of fresh food items.
> At fast-food chains, where sodas are often dispersed at self-serve
> fountains, restaurants would be required to hand out cup sizes of 16
> ounces
> or less, regardless of whether a customer opts for a diet drink. But free
> refills — and additional drink purchases — would be allowed.
> Corner stores and bodegas would be affected if they are defined by the
> city
> as "food service establishments." Those stores can most easily be
> identified by the health department letter grades they are required to
> display in their windows.
> The mayor, who said he occasionally drank a diet soda "on a hot day,"
> contested the idea that the plan would limit consumers' choices, saying
> the
> option to buy more soda would always be available.
> "Your argument, I guess, could be that it's a little less convenient to
> have to carry two 16-ounce drinks to your seat in the movie theater rather
> than one 32 ounce," Mr. Bloomberg said in a sarcastic tone. "I don't think
> you can make the case that we're taking things away."
> He also said he foresaw no adverse effect on local businesses, and he
> suggested that restaurants could simply charge more for smaller drinks if
> their sales were to drop.
> The Bloomberg administration had made previous, unsuccessful efforts to
> make soda consumption less appealing. The mayor supported a state tax on
> sodas, but the measure died in Albany, and he tried to restrict the use of
> food stamps to buy sodas, but the idea was rejected by federal regulators.
> With the new proposal, City Hall is now trying to see how much it can
> accomplish without requiring outside approval. Mayoral aides say they are
> confident that they have the legal authority to restrict soda sales, based
> on the city's jurisdiction over local eating establishments, the same
> oversight that allows for the health department's letter-grade cleanliness
> rating system for restaurants.
> In interviews at the AMC Loews Village, in the East Village in Manhattan,
> some filmgoers said restricting large soda sales made sense to them.
> "I think it's a good idea," said Sara Gochenauer, 21, a personal assistant
> from the Upper West Side. Soda, she said, "rots your teeth."
> But others said consumers should be free to choose.
> "If people want to drink 24 ounces, it's their decision," said Zara Atal,
> 20, a college student from the Upper East Side.
> Lawrence Goins, 50, a postal worker who lives in Newark, took a more
> pragmatic approach.
> "Some of those movies are three, three and a half hours long," Mr. Goins
> said. "You got to quench your thirst."
> Colin Moynihan contributed reporting.
> MORE IN N.Y. / REGION (4 OF 32 ARTICLES)City Room: Behind the Low-Priced
> Clothing, a Priceless Midcentury
> Sculpture<>
> Read More
> »<>
> Close
> --
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Re: Almost Cold-Cocked by 12 oz Sinker

NOM are you a hillbilly i would have never guess

On 5/31/12, nominal9-Bomb-Throwin-Anarchist <> wrote:
> I was reeling in a Striper bass this morning... estimated 27 lbs....
> It was shaking it's head profusely... or maybe it was just foul-hooked
> As I got it to within a few feet from the boat so that the net-man
> could get it, the Striper threw off the hook
> My rod being bent almost double... the line with 12 oz sinker attached
> flew up into the air and was whipped into the top of my head...
> I bled profusely for a while... no permanent damage...
> I've seen sinkers whiz by me before... this was my first hit....
> --
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Re: Nominal....Guess what!

they haven't deleted any of my posts

and look how i ;o) talk about PROTESTANTS and how GOD DAMNED they are

On 5/31/12, nominal9-Bomb-Throwin-Anarchist <> wrote:
> Are you sure????
> This doesn't sound like something they would do.....
> On May 31, 5:05 am, OccupySpring <> wrote:
>> The moderators on this forum are deleting whole threads!
> --
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Re: Nominal....Guess what!

Are you sure????
This doesn't sound like something they would do.....

On May 31, 5:05 am, OccupySpring <> wrote:
> The moderators on this forum are deleting whole threads!

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Almost Cold-Cocked by 12 oz Sinker

I was reeling in a Striper bass this morning... estimated 27 lbs....
It was shaking it's head profusely... or maybe it was just foul-hooked
As I got it to within a few feet from the boat so that the net-man
could get it, the Striper threw off the hook
My rod being bent almost double... the line with 12 oz sinker attached
flew up into the air and was whipped into the top of my head...
I bled profusely for a while... no permanent damage...
I've seen sinkers whiz by me before... this was my first hit....

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Urgent requirement with direct client for Jr. Project Manager in Minneapolis, MN



Greetings of the day!

Please send resume to


We have an urgent requirement of Jr. Project Manager. Kindly find the job description as mentioned below and let me know your interest with your updated resume ASAP. 


Position Role/Title:             Jr. Project Manager

Position ID:                          13522

Duration:                             5 Months +

Location:                             Minneapolis, MN

Job Description:

·         Responsible for delivery of infrastructure, managing timeline, deliverables, budget, and risk / issues.

·         Ensure Technical Architecture standards are followed working with Tech Arch.

·         Ensure project goals and timelines are communicated to all appropriate team members.

·          Manage workplans on a weekly basis.

·         Ensure key dependencies across teams are understood by project team members.

·         Ensure the project follows the defined methodology.

·         Manage infrastructure RFCs following the standard RFC process

·         Producing a weekly status report

·         Manage infrastructure RFCs following the standard RFC process

·         Producing a weekly status report  

Required Skills:

·         1- 2 years' experience in Project Management - Infrastructure projects experience;

·         PMP certification

·         ADM Methodology experience

Infrastructure background: system administrator, network, database administration

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Sql Server developer/6months+/San Francisco,CA/Immediate Interview


Hope you are doing well.


My name is Edward and I'm a recruiter at SV Tech Systems, a global staffing and IT consulting company. We are constantly on the look out for professionals to fulfill the staffing needs of our clients, and we currently have a job opening that may interest you. Below is a summary of the position.


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Required qualifications:

  • Advanced T-SQL programming skills
  • Performance Tuning in MS SQL 2005 or 2008
  • In-depth (at least 5 years) understanding of indexes
  • General knowledge of good program design
  • A history of working with highly detailed data and good testing strategies

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in information science, data management, computer science or related field
  • Data Modeling - Familiar with all forms
  • Experience using data modeling tools.
  • Demonstrated history of staying current with new technology and trends
  • Experience with MySQL.
  • Experience with non-relational storage architectures (NoSQL)




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Sharepoint Developer/6months+/San Francisco,CA/Immediate Interview


Hope you are doing well.


My name is Edward and I'm a recruiter at SV Tech Systems, a global staffing and IT consulting company. We are constantly on the look out for professionals to fulfill the staffing needs of our clients, and we currently have a job opening that may interest you. Below is a summary of the position.


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Sharepoint Developer will -

  • Translate requirements into detailed design documents in response to business requirements.
  • Responsible for full life-cycle software development, data modeling, and system testing

Required skills –

  • SharePoint development, SharePoint Designer, SQL Server
    Experience with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 platform.
  • Experience defining a data model in an external data source, such as a relational database, and then create a set of external content types to expose the data to SharePoint through the Business Connectivity Services (BCS) component.
  • Experience defining a data model using SharePoint data structures such as lists and content types
  • Ability to design workflows, user data entry screens, business processes, business intelligence, dashboards, content types, collaboration and site collections.




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GIS/Silverlight/.Net Developer/San Francisco,CA/Immediate Interview

Hope you are doing well.

My name is Edward and I'm a recruiter at SV Tech Systems, a global staffing and IT consulting company. We are constantly on the look out for professionals to fulfill the staffing needs of our clients, and we currently have a job opening that may interest you. Below is a summary of the position.

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Location: San Francisco, CA
Duration: Long Term
Rate: As per market


The Developer will support the full software development life-cycle of geospatial applications, but specializing in front-end development using .Net and Silverlight.

The selected candidate for this role will have previous experience with Web development and in software application development using .Net and Silverlight.  The developer will also have experience in Software Application development in an Agile SDLC environment, including scrum, user stories, sprints, and interactions as well as with Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Web service development, including REST and SOAP.

Required Skills

  • Two years of experience programming in .NET.
  • One half year of specific experience developing in Silverlight.
  • Experience with either Oracle 10g,11g and/or SQL Server 2008 or above


Desired Skills

  • Experience using Google Earth, Google Maps, ESRI ArcGIS, Bing Maps, or equivalent tools is preferred.
  • Knowledge of geospatial data formats, including GIF, PNG, JPEG2000, KML/KMZ, or ShapeFile preferred.
  • Software Application development in an Agile SDLC environment, including scrum, user stories, sprints, and interactions as well as with Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Web service development, including REST and SOAP is a plus.




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Re: Does a woman have the right to abortion if it is a girl???

Absolutely !
In a message dated 5/31/2012 7:13:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Whatever a pg woman wants. It is her decision , right or wrong.
In a message dated 5/31/2012 4:24:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
so abortion based on gender is ok?

On May 31, 4:46 pm, wrote:
> Does anyone else have the right to tell a pregnant woman whether or not she
>  can have an abortion?
> In a message dated 5/31/2012 8:30:51 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Is  gender specific abortion proper and why???
> --
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Re: Does a woman have the right to abortion if it is a girl???

Whatever a pg woman wants. It is her decision , right or wrong.
In a message dated 5/31/2012 4:24:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
so abortion based on gender is ok?

On May 31, 4:46 pm, wrote:
> Does anyone else have the right to tell a pregnant woman whether or not she
>  can have an abortion?
> In a message dated 5/31/2012 8:30:51 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Is  gender specific abortion proper and why???
> --
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Direct Client requirement Order Management / Order To Cash @ Louisville, KY


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Title: Order Management / Order To Cash

Location: Louisville, KY

Duration: Long term


7+ years of experience in Oracle Order to cash business processes as functional lead - 3+ Oracle Order Management implementation projects experience as functional lead

Thanks & Regards,

IDC Technologies, Inc.
1851 McCarthy Boulevard, Suite 116,Milpitas, CA, USA, 95035
Phone: 408-457-9399 Extn: 2045| Fax: 408-608-6088
Email:| Web:
Yahoo IM: recruit.rahul

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Direct Client requirement Order Management / Order To Cash @ Louisville, KY


Please help me on this with your available consultants.

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Title: Order Management / Order To Cash

Location: Louisville, KY

Duration: Long term


7+ years of experience in Oracle Order to cash business processes as functional lead - 3+ Oracle Order Management implementation projects experience as functional lead

Thanks & Regards,

IDC Technologies, Inc.
1851 McCarthy Boulevard, Suite 116,Milpitas, CA, USA, 95035
Phone: 408-457-9399 Extn: 2045| Fax: 408-608-6088
Email:| Web:
Yahoo IM: recruit.rahul

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Direct Client requirement Order Management / Order To Cash @ Louisville, KY


Please help me on this with your available consultants.

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Title: Order Management / Order To Cash

Location: Louisville, KY

Duration: Long term


7+ years of experience in Oracle Order to cash business processes as functional lead - 3+ Oracle Order Management implementation projects experience as functional lead

Thanks & Regards,

IDC Technologies, Inc.
1851 McCarthy Boulevard, Suite 116,Milpitas, CA, USA, 95035
Phone: 408-457-9399 Extn: 2045| Fax: 408-608-6088
Email:| Web:
Yahoo IM: recruit.rahul

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Need SQL DBA-Mt Laurel, NJ.

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Job Title : SQL DBA

Location: Mt Laurel, NJ

Project Duration : 6 months

Primary Skills : SQL DBA 2005/2008 admin


Other Information : I need a good Microsoft SQL DBA person, very good knowledge on 2005/2008 Administration, clustering, performance tuning, writing SQL.


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MS SQL Server DBA in NYC, NY (Gc/Citizen only)

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Gc/Citizen only


F2F Required


Location: NYC, NY

Duration: 12+ months


Job Description:

This is a MS SQL Server DBA role largely responsible for providing operational database services to the organization. We are looking to fill a need to have a highly competent and highly motivated individual in this role. This is a production DBA role; as such it may require off hour production support activities. Some of the primary responsibilities of this role would include owning, tracking and resolving database related incidents and requests, fulfilling requests and resolving incidents within SLAs, reviewing service related reports (e.g: database backups, maintenance, monitoring) on a daily basis to ensure service related issues are identified and resolved within established SLAs, responding to database related alerts and escalations and working with database engineering to come up with strategic solutions to recurring problems. Part of this role will involve working with development teams to ensure best practices and overall policies are maintained when enhancements or new projects are being developed. This role will also require working with development teams to ensure that best practices are adhered to for on-going development cycles.


Duties and Responsibilities:


·            DBA for production environment.

·            Performance monitoring.

·            Test and develop production jobs.

·            Production Support.

·            Working with development teams to ensure SQL best practices are maintained.





  • Experience with Database Administration for MSSQL Server.
  • Experience in troubleshooting and resolving database problems.
  • Experience with Migration from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 R2.
  • Experience in Performance Tuning and Optimization (PTO), using native monitoring and troubleshooting tools.
  • Experience with backups, restores and recovery models.
  • Knowledge of High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) options for MSSQL Server.
  • Experience in implementing operational automation using scripts.
  • Knowledge of indexes, index management, and statistics.
  • Experience working with Windows server, including Active Directory and proper disk configurations.
  • Good communication and documentation skills.



  • 4-6 years' experience supporting a production environment.

Technical Recruiter
Osair Technologies LLC,
36 York Road,
West windsor,NJ | 08540-3512
Voice : 609-632-0276 | Fax :732-289-6076 |
Yahoo IM: dev.osair | Gtalk:


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Sure Shot Position: .Net DEVELOPER

Position: .Net DEVELOPER

Location: Westlake Village, CA

Duration: 6+ months

Rate: $48/hr all inclsive




Position Duties and Responsibilities:

·         Follow and help define software engineering concepts including code standards, code reviews and unit testing.  Accountable for developing and designing assigned portions of software systems.

·         Reviews specifications and provides time estimates on the development of projects and features

·         Will be accountable for developing and designing assigned portions of software systems

·         Reviews specifications and provides time estimates on the development of projects and features

·         Works on tasks of moderate scope where analysis of situations or data requires a review of a variety of factors

·         Responsible for implementation and helping define the software engineering life-cycle from gathering requirements, designing, developing, unit testing and deployment

·         Performs in-depth analysis

·         Determines appropriate action within defined procedures and practices

·         Interacts primarily within the department

·         Designs, develops and documents discreet portions of software systems


Education, Skills and Experience:

·         Minimum 3-5 years of professional work experience and or/relevant technical degree.  MCDS and/or related technical certificate is a plus

·         Experience coding in all logical development tiers (front-end UI, middle-tier, database tier)

·         3-5 Years of Internet/Software industry experience

·         Experience developing high-traffic production web sites

·         MUST be proficient with computer science concepts, data structures and algorithms

·         MUST be proficient in one or more of the following languages: C#, C++, Perl and VB.NET

·         MUST be proficient in one or more of the following data access methods: SQL, ADO/ADO.NET, ODBC and OLEDB

·         Experience with one or more of the following technologies: .NET, XML/XSLT, MSQ, Web Services, SOAP, Sockets, Windows and/or UNIX

·         Understanding of OOP principles and techniques, distributed computing architectures, error management, transactions and techniques

·         Ability to effectively document technical system specifications

·         Experience with web technologies and applications in HTML, JavaScript, AJAX and CSS and in two or more of the following: ASP, VBScript, ASP.NET, XML/XSLT

·         Understanding of commonly used software design patterns

 Thanks & Regards,
HR Manager
Info Targets LLC
fax: 609 228 4100

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Interview Slots available -- UI Developer -- NJ



This is Ravi Krishna from MeridianSoft Inc. Please find the below requirement for your review. Appreciate if you could send us your qualified consultant for review.


You can reach me on 614-340-3331 Ext: 244 or


Role: UI Developer

Location: New Jersey


Visa Status: OPT/EAD/H1B/GC/USC 



Ravi Krishna

Sr. IT Recruiter

Meridiansoft Inc.

E-mail:| W: + 614-340-3331 Ext 244

Gtalk: ravikrishna.deegit | Yahoo: ravikrishna106

Website: |

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Re: China has 32 milion more males than females.

On May 31, 3:37 pm, lew <> wrote:
> What China does is China's business.
> Perhaps we could set a huge red light district in the U.S for all the
> frustrated Chinese men as a rebound industry for the Obama business
> failures.

So, you dont care about all the babies being killed in China, But you
are angry with Obama for not bombing Syria?

You make no sense as usual.
> On May 31, 3:24 pm, OccupySpring <> wrote:
> > I dont like it, its terrible.
> > should we go to war with china and make them stop?
> > On May 31, 3:22 pm, lew <> wrote:
> > > Won't the killing of Girl babies irritate NOW?
> > > On May 31, 3:21 pm, OccupySpring <> wrote:
> > > > China has 32 milion more males than females
> > > > and if it was the other way around, you would be singing the happy,
> > > > happy --joy, joy song!
> > > > On May 31, 11:13 am, lew <> wrote:
> > > > > Is this what the Democrat "Killer Barons" want for the U.S.?
> > > > > We wil soon have a lot of frustrated guys in the China and perhaps, in
> > > > > the U.S.
> > > > > Think of the poor Single girl who no guy will ask to marry him?

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Re: Bloomberg Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks Like Coke a Cola

Its not the size of the drink, its what they put IN the drink that
should be banned. High Fructose Syrup is a leading cause of the
epidemic of obesity.

On May 31, 3:33 pm, wrote:
> bloomberg is a reptilican, like your other heroes, mkkkonnel, kkkantor, palin, cheney, bush and quiet and fall in line, like the rest of the lemmings....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: plainolamerican <>
> To: Open Debate Political Forum IMHO <>
> Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 1:38 pm
> Subject: Re: Bloomberg Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks Like Coke a Cola
> NYC is the epitome of the socialist nanny state.
> On May 31, 12:35 pm, Leader of 71 <> wrote:
>  [image: The New York Times] <>
>  <>
>  ------------------------------
>  May 30, 2012
>  New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary DrinksBy MICHAEL M.
>  New York City plans to enact a far-reaching ban on the sale of large sodas
>  and other sugary drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and street carts, in
>  the most ambitious effort yet by theBloomberg administration<>
> o
>  combat rising obesity<>
>  .
>  The proposed ban would affect virtually the entire menu of popular sugary
>  drinks found in delis, fast-food franchises and even sports arenas, from
>  energy drinks to pre-sweetened iced teas. The sale of any cup or bottle of
>  sweetened drink larger than 16 fluid ounces — about the size of a medium
>  coffee, and smaller than a common soda bottle — would be prohibited under
>  the first-in-the-nation plan, which could take effect as soon as next March.
>  The measure would not apply to diet<>sodas,
>  fruit juices, dairy-based drinks like milkshakes, or alcoholic beverages;
>  it would not extend to beverages sold in grocery or convenience stores.
>  "Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public
>  health officials are wringing their hands saying, 'Oh, this is terrible,' "
>  Mr. Bloomberg said in an interview on Wednesday in the Governor's Room at
>  City Hall.
>  "New York City is not about wringing your hands; it's about doing
>  something," he said. "I think that's what the public wants the mayor to do."
>  A spokesman for the New York City Beverage Association, an arm of the soda
>  industry's national trade group, criticized the city's proposal on
>  Wednesday. The industry has clashed repeatedly with the city's health
>  department, saying it has unfairly singled out soda; industry groups have
>  bought subway advertisements promoting their cause.
>  "The New York City health department's unhealthy obsession with attacking
>  soft drinks is again pushing them over the top," the industry spokesman,
>  Stefan Friedman, said. "It's time for serious health professionals to move
>  on and seek solutions that are going to actually curb obesity. These
>  zealous proposals just distract from the hard work that needs to be done on
>  this front."
>  Mr. Bloomberg's proposal requires the approval of the Board of Health, a
>  step that is considered likely because the members are all appointed by
>  him, and the board's chairman is the city's health commissioner, who joined
>  the mayor in supporting the measure on Wednesday.
>  Mr. Bloomberg has made public health one of the top priorities of his
>  lengthy tenure, and has championed a series of aggressive regulations,
>  including bans onsmoking<>
> n
>  restaurants and parks, a prohibition against artificial trans
> at<> in
>  restaurant food and a requirement for health inspection grades to be posted
>  in restaurant windows.
>  The measures have led to occasional derision of the mayor as Nanny
>  Bloomberg, by those who view the restrictions as infringements on personal
>  freedom. But many of the measures adopted in New York have become models
>  for other cities, including restrictions on smoking and trans fats, as well
>  as the use of graphic advertising to combat smoking and soda consumption,
>  and the demand that chain restaurants post calorie contents next to prices.
>  In recent years, soda has emerged as a battleground in efforts to counter
>  obesity. Across the nation, some school districts have banned the sale of
>  soda in schools, and some cities have banned the sale of soda in public
>  buildings.
>  In New York City, where more than half<>of
>  adults are obese or overweight, Dr. Thomas Farley, the health commissioner,
>  blames sweetened drinks for up to half of the increase in city obesity
>  rates over the last 30 years. About a third of New Yorkers drink one or
>  more sugary drinks a day, according to the city. Dr. Farley said the city
>  had seen higher obesity rates in neighborhoods where soda consumption was
>  more common.
>  The ban would not apply to drinks with fewer than 25 calories<>
> er
>  8-ounce serving, like zero-calorie Vitamin Waters and unsweetened iced
>  teas, as well as diet sodas.
>  Restaurants, delis, movie theater and ballpark concessions would be
>  affected, because they are regulated by the health department. Carts on
>  sidewalks and in Central Park would also be included, but not vending
>  machines or newsstands that serve only a smattering of fresh food items.
>  At fast-food chains, where sodas are often dispersed at self-serve
>  fountains, restaurants would be required to hand out cup sizes of 16 ounces
>  or less, regardless of whether a customer opts for a diet drink. But free
>  refills — and additional drink purchases — would be allowed.
>  Corner stores and bodegas would be affected if they are defined by the city
>  as "food service establishments." Those stores can most easily be
>  identified by the health department letter grades they are required to
>  display in their windows.
>  The mayor, who said he occasionally drank a diet soda "on a hot day,"
>  contested the idea that the plan would limit consumers' choices, saying the
>  option to buy more soda would always be available.
>  "Your argument, I guess, could be that it's a little less convenient to
>  have to carry two 16-ounce drinks to your seat in the movie theater rather
>  than one 32 ounce," Mr. Bloomberg said in a sarcastic tone. "I don't think
>  you can make the case that we're taking things away."
>  He also said he foresaw no adverse effect on local businesses, and he
>  suggested that restaurants could simply charge more for smaller drinks if
>  their sales were to drop.
>  The Bloomberg administration had made previous, unsuccessful efforts to
>  make soda consumption less appealing. The mayor supported a state tax on
>  sodas, but the measure died in Albany, and he tried to restrict the use of
>  food stamps to buy sodas, but the idea was rejected by federal regulators.
>  With the new proposal, City Hall is now trying to see how much it can
>  accomplish without requiring outside approval. Mayoral aides say they are
>  confident that they have the legal authority to restrict soda sales, based
>  on the city's jurisdiction over local eating establishments, the same
>  oversight that allows for the health department's letter-grade cleanliness
>  rating system for restaurants.
>  In interviews at the AMC Loews Village, in the East Village in Manhattan,
>  some filmgoers said restricting large soda sales made sense to them.
>  "I think it's a good idea," said Sara Gochenauer, 21, a personal assistant
>  from the Upper West Side. Soda, she said, "rots your teeth."
>  But others said consumers should be free to choose.
>  "If people want to drink 24 ounces, it's their decision," said Zara Atal,
>  20, a college student from the Upper East Side.
>  Lawrence Goins, 50, a postal worker who lives in Newark, took a more
>  pragmatic approach.
>  "Some of those movies are three, three and a half hours long," Mr. Goins
>  said. "You got to quench your thirst."
>  Colin Moynihan contributed reporting.
>  MORE IN N.Y. / REGION (4 OF 32 ARTICLES)City Room: Behind the Low-Priced
>  Clothing, a Priceless Midcentury Sculpture<>
>  Read More »<>
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