
Saturday, May 31, 2014

[LST] [[UPS]] Bi9 Tit$ at $chool ~ J@cky Joy

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مزح مع الوليد بن طلال فأنظرو ماذا فعل له !!! ‬ +ربنا انقذها من ابشع طريقة للموت ممكن تشوفها+عاجل انهيار جسر العبور حول الكعبة وسقوط عشرات القتلى والجرحى+شاهد ردة فعل الناس عند ضرب شابة لحبيبها في الشارع والعكس

بعد تخوينه مصريين بالجملة .. محمد صبحي يؤكد نزاهة الانتخابات فيديو

مزح مع الوليد بن طلال فأنظرو ماذا فعل له !!!

بالفيديو ..قيادي في "داعش": الأسد أشرف من كلاب المعارضة!

بالفيديو .. شاب يصفع شقيقته لرقصها في الشارع احتفالا بفوز السيسي

خادمة أثيوبية في السعودية تصرخ وتؤدي حركات "هستيرية" وتدعي اتصالها بالسماء..فيديو

عاجل انهيار جسر العبور حول الكعبة وسقوط عشرات القتلى والجرحى

فيديو.. ملكة جمال مصر ترقص بالبكيني على "بشرة خير"

ربنا انقذها من ابشع طريقة للموت ممكن تشوفها

شاهد ردة فعل الناس عند ضرب شابة لحبيبها في الشارع والعكس

عمرو اديب بيصرخ في وجهة خالد ابو بكر: ياغبي انت فضحت السيسي علي الهواء

مفاجأة بالفيديو.. الفنان أحمد عيد ينصف الرئيس مرسى فى أحد مسلسلاته

27 1 بالفيديو...طفلة كورية تقلد شاكيرا وتنال إعجاب الملايين

طفل مُعاق يتحدى نجوم البرازيل بمهاراته الكروية في مشهد مؤثر

بالفيديو.. شبح كرة قدم في نهائي كأس ألمانيا بين بايرن ميونيخ وبوروسيا دورتموند


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Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimates

Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimates

Thomas Lifson
The greatest scientific fraud in history is slowly but surely unraveling, and the breadth of the corruption revealed is stunning. As any good con man knows, and emotional appeal is necessary, and the warmists found their cuddly-looking icon of endangerment in the polar bear, an animal frequently chosen as stuffed toys for children to hug. Pictures of polar bears on ice floes, presumably doomed to death by drowning as the Arctic ice disappeared, were used to tug on the heartstrings of adults and children alike, in order to scare them into willingly handing over power over their economic destiny to global mandarins who would reduce their standard of living.

But it was necessary to come up with "scientific" estimates of polar bear populations that showed them in danger. With all the billions of dollars available for global warming-related research, and the elevel of peer pressure that money generates, it wasn't that difficult. 
As Matt Barber of Barbwire notes:

Polar bear populations became the centerpiece of the effort to fight global warming due to claims that melting polar ice caps would cause the bears to become endangered in the near future. Years ago some scientists predicted the Arctic would be virtually ice free by now.

Polar bears became the first species listed under the Endangered Species Act because they could potentially be harmed by global warming. But some recent studies have found that some polar bear subpopulations have actually flourished in recent years.

As with the hockey stick graph and many other elements of the concocted story, honest scientists working in the finest tradition of skeptical scientific inquiry, started to unravel fuzzy numbers and lies. One such hero is polar bear scientist Dr. Susan Crockford, who publishes the website Polar Bear Science. In it she documents how a scientist responsible for an alarmist lowball estimate of polar bear population is backing away from numbers that she has been questioning:

Last week (May 22), I received an unsolicited email from Dr. Dag Vongraven, the current chairman of the IUCN [International Union for the Conservation of Nature – TL] Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG).

The email from Vongraven began this way:

"Dr. Crockford

Below you'll find a footnote that will accompany a total polar bear population size range in the circumpolar polar bear action plan that we are currently drafting together with the Parties to the 1973 Agreement. This might keep you blogging for a day or two." [my bold]

It appears the PBSG have come to the realization that public outrage (or just confusion) is brewing over their global population estimates and some damage control is perhaps called for. Their solution — bury a statement of clarification within their next official missive (which I have commented upon here).

Instead of issuing a press release to clarify matters to the public immediately, Vongraven decided he would let me take care of informing the public that this global estimate may not be what it seems.

Wow! Burying the news in a footnote and letting a critic know instead of issuing a press release. That is certainly a signal. Here's the news:

Here is the statement that the PBSG proposes to insert as a footnote in their forthcoming Circumpolar Polar Bear Action Plan draft:

"As part of past status reports, the PBSG has traditionally estimated a range for the total number of polar bears in the circumpolar Arctic. Since 2005, this range has been 20-25,000. It is important to realize that this range never has been an estimate of total abundance in a scientific sense, but simply a qualified guess given to satisfy public demand. It is also important to note that even though we have scientifically valid estimates for a majority of the subpopulations, some are dated. Furthermore, there are no abundance estimates for the Arctic Basin, East Greenland, and the Russian subpopulations.Consequently, there is either no, or only rudimentary, knowledge to support guesses about the possible abundance of polar bears in approximately half the areas they occupy. Thus, the range given for total global population should be viewed with great caution as it cannot be used to assess population trend over the long term." [my bold]

"A guess to satisfy public demand" but wrapped in the prestige of settled science.

And on this basis, small children have gone to bed weeping, hugging their stuffed teddy bears, worried sick about the doom facing these cuddly animals.

There is so much fraud in the warmist movement that a reckoning must be had, or else we will lose scientific progress, the very engine that has brought us our standard of living. Corruption left untouched multiplies.

The greatest scientific fraud in history is slowly but surely unraveling, and the breadth of the corruption revealed is stunning. As any good con man knows, and emotional appeal is necessary, and the warmists found their cuddly-looking icon of endangerment in the polar bear, an animal frequently chosen as stuffed toys for children to hug. Pictures of polar bears on ice floes, presumably doomed to death by drowning as the Arctic ice disappeared, were used to tug on the heartstrings of adults and children alike, in order to scare them into willingly handing over power over their economic destiny to global mandarins who would reduce their standard of living.

But it was necessary to come up with "scientific" estimates of polar bear populations that showed them in danger. With all the billions of dollars available for global warming-related research, and the elevel of peer pressure that money generates, it wasn't that difficult.

As Matt Barber of Barbwire notes:

Polar bear populations became the centerpiece of the effort to fight global warming due to claims that melting polar ice caps would cause the bears to become endangered in the near future. Years ago some scientists predicted the Arctic would be virtually ice free by now.

Polar bears became the first species listed under the Endangered Species Act because they could potentially be harmed by global warming. But some recent studies have found that some polar bear subpopulations have actually flourished in recent years.

As with the hockey stick graph and many other elements of the concocted story, honest scientists working in the finest tradition of skeptical scientific inquiry, started to unravel fuzzy numbers and lies. One such hero is polar bear scientist Dr. Susan Crockford, who publishes the website Polar Bear Science. In it she documents how a scientist responsible for an alarmist lowball estimate of polar bear population is backing away from numbers that she has been questioning:

Last week (May 22), I received an unsolicited email from Dr. Dag Vongraven, the current chairman of the IUCN [International Union for the Conservation of Nature – TL] Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG).

The email from Vongraven began this way:

"Dr. Crockford

Below you'll find a footnote that will accompany a total polar bear population size range in the circumpolar polar bear action plan that we are currently drafting together with the Parties to the 1973 Agreement. This might keep you blogging for a day or two." [my bold]

It appears the PBSG have come to the realization that public outrage (or just confusion) is brewing over their global population estimates and some damage control is perhaps called for. Their solution — bury a statement of clarification within their next official missive (which I have commented upon here).

Instead of issuing a press release to clarify matters to the public immediately, Vongraven decided he would let me take care of informing the public that this global estimate may not be what it seems.

Wow! Burying the news in a footnote and letting a critic know instead of issuing a press release. That is certainly a signal. Here's the news:

Here is the statement that the PBSG proposes to insert as a footnote in their forthcoming Circumpolar Polar Bear Action Plan draft:

"As part of past status reports, the PBSG has traditionally estimated a range for the total number of polar bears in the circumpolar Arctic. Since 2005, this range has been 20-25,000. It is important to realize that this range never has been an estimate of total abundance in a scientific sense, but simply a qualified guess given to satisfy public demand. It is also important to note that even though we have scientifically valid estimates for a majority of the subpopulations, some are dated. Furthermore, there are no abundance estimates for the Arctic Basin, East Greenland, and the Russian subpopulations.Consequently, there is either no, or only rudimentary, knowledge to support guesses about the possible abundance of polar bears in approximately half the areas they occupy. Thus, the range given for total global population should be viewed with great caution as it cannot be used to assess population trend over the long term." [my bold]

"A guess to satisfy public demand" but wrapped in the prestige of settled science.

And on this basis, small children have gone to bed weeping, hugging their stuffed teddy bears, worried sick about the doom facing these cuddly animals.

There is so much fraud in the warmist movement that a reckoning must be had, or else we will lose scientific progress, the very engine that has brought us our standard of living. Corruption left untouched multiplies

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[LST] [[UPS]] (umL0ud3r ~ L@ura L0ve ****

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RE: How 'Settled' is the 'Settled Science' that Changes its Name from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Chang

And the second part to that fraud is labeling the autistic as also hearing voices.  Not true!  There is a great distinction between those whose minds are disrupted by hearing voices and the mentally retarded (and other genetic step-down races) that benefit from hearing that mind be victimized by voices.  One is human and the other a monster!


Thomas Paul Murphy


From: [] On Behalf Of TMPHOTO
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 8:30 AM
Subject: RE: How 'Settled' is the 'Settled Science' that Changes its Name from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Chang


It is like calling the mentally retarded autistic instead.


Thomas Paul Murphy


From: []
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 8:13 AM
Subject: How 'Settled' is the 'Settled Science' that Changes its Name from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Chang



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How 'Settled' is the 'Settled Science' that Changes its Name from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Change?'

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RE: How 'Settled' is the 'Settled Science' that Changes its Name from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Chang

It is like calling the mentally retarded autistic instead.


Thomas Paul Murphy


From: []
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 8:13 AM
Subject: How 'Settled' is the 'Settled Science' that Changes its Name from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Chang



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How 'Settled' is the 'Settled Science' that Changes its Name from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Change?'

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Friday, May 30, 2014

urgent requirement Oracle iStore Web Developer in Gardena, CA



Hope you are doing well,


Please go through the following requirement and let me know on if you have any available resources




Role Oracle iStore Web Developer

Location Gardena, CA

Duration Long Term

Start Date June 2

Interview Process HR – Phone

                                     Tech - Phone



3 years of techno/functional Oracle EBS experience

Experience with  self-service Oracle applications modules iService, iReceivable, iStore

Excellent communication skills.  Position is client facing




We have a position for a dynamic Oracle iStore Web Developer, who can develop for the web environment as well as the database and PL/SQL.  The candidate must have experience with the technical stack, database schemas, and the self service apps (iStore, iPayables, iReceivables, etc.). He or she should be comfortable writing Java, SQL queries, and configuring iStore, and the related self-service apps.


Experience Required:

·         Minimum 3 years of development experience with Java, JSP, and Java Web Services in an Oracle applications environment. This should include development using distributed transaction communication protocols (i.e. SOAP, JSON, XML).

·         Minimum of 3 years of functional and technical experience with Oracle applications. This must include Financial/Sub-Ledger accounting, manufacturing, inventory, CRM, order management and workflow in either R11 or R12 environment.

·         Minimum of 3 years experience with the self-service Oracle applications modules such as iService, iReceivables, iStore.

·         Minimum 5 years of experience with relational database development, SQL, JSP, and procedural programming in PL/SQL.


Desired Job Qualifications:

·         Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or a related field.

·         At least 10 years of programming and system analysis experience.

·         Strong analytical and problem solving skills, and excellent written and verbal communication skills.

·         Working knowledge of Linux or UNIX environments.

·         Experience with shell and scripting is a plus.

·         Experience in the support and upgrade of business, accounting systems, and/or CRM systems at a small to mid-sized organization is a plus.


Dhruv Soni

Phone : 919-399-9369
Email :
Gtalk :



Urgent requirement for the position of C#.Net Developer @ Carmel/IN

Please send me profile on my id


Currently, I am recruiting candidates for one of my requirement as mentioned below. If you have a matching profile, please send me the updated resume along with contact details at the earliest.


Job Title

C#.Net Developer

Project Location

Carmel IN


12 months /Contract

Skills Required and Job Description:

MOI: - Telephonic + Skype

Candidate will need to blend in to our technical team for collaboration and understanding of how we build our software.  Candidate should be fairly self-motivated and able to work independently as well as with some of the team members

  • Experience with Windows Forms
  • Experience or interest in developing real-time applications using .NET
  • Understanding of basic relational database features (procs, triggers, sql) in either Oracle or SQLServer
  • Self motivated and able to work independently with some direction from a small team of developers
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work with business areas as needed on requirements
  • Experience with graphical displays and charting controls



Thanks & Regards…..?

Vijay Saraswat

Technical Resource Specialist

RG Talent Inc

39120 Argonaut way
Suite # 157, Fremont CA 94538

(Phone:  510-443-0758 Ext - 124

7Fax No: 510-952-4633

8Email : /

URL : 

yimlogo/G talk icon-gtalk--> vijay.rgtalent



In my absence please contact Rugen Nagar at the following address


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Urgent Requirement::::::::Solution Architecture @Columbus City,MT




Hope you are doing great…..!!!!!!



Jobs Details

Role       Solution Architect - Business Applications

Experience Level             8-10YEAR

Location Of Posting :City        Columbus ,MT

contact Duration            6+ Months            




Required Skill(s)              Architecting (L1) , Solution Architecture (L1)

Essential Skill(s)               Solution Architecture (L2)



SUITe Skill(s)

Skill1 - Architecting (L1)

Responsible for contributing to the design & architecture for small to mediumprojects. Works on problems of highly complex scope, through expert usage ofnon-standard concepts & principles requiring high levels of judgement & interpretation. Works as a guide and sets directions for medium sized projectsof reasonable complexity. Applies own judgement to independently determine acourse of action, which is then executed by project teams. Role is capable offinding out new methods and processes to approach complex situations in therespective area(s) of expertise. Requires extensive knowledge of multipledevelopment technologies/ expert knowledge of one technology. Expected tocontinue to build upon domain knowledge and technical/ proprietary skills toreach levels of expertise, while adapting standard principles to new or changedconditions in day to day work. Has the ability to respond to detailed queries.May be called upon to advise Sr Management on specialised technical issues.Responsible for coaching, guiding and mentoring junior members in the team tohelp them scale up faster.

Skill2 - Solution Architecture (L1)

1. Ability to take the functional and non-functional requirements and proposesolution that will be able to meet the requirements. 2. Work with the designteam to realize the architecture by providing suggestions on design options. 3.Review and validate the design decisions taken by the design teams. 4. Workwith client architecture teams in - validate the non-functional requirements -discussing and providing inputs on architecture options 5. Present thearchitecture and design to necessary stake holders as required. 6. Workingexperience with at least one common SDLC methods (RUP, Velociq)

Essential Skill(s)

Skill1 - Solution Architecture (L2)

1. Ability to take the functional and non-functional requirements and proposesolution that will be able to meet the requirements. 2. Identify the designareas and the integration point between these areas (atleast few of the designareas). Effectively track the integration points in the design to ensure thereare no omissions. 3. Work with the design team to realize the architecture byproviding suggestions on design options. 4. Review and validate the designdecisions taken by the design teams. 5. Work with client architecture teams in- defining overall solution architecture - procure the enterprise standardsthat need to be followed - validate the non-functional requirements 6. Presentthe architecture and design to necessary stake holders as required. 7. Workingexperience with common SDLC methods (RUP, Velociq) 8. Must have worked inatleast one medium complex architecture



Thanks & Regards,


Chirag Kaushik

IT- Recruiter

Phone: 609-897-9670 x 2167


Fax: 609-228-5522

Address: 38 Washington Road, Princeton Jn, NJ 08550 


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Thanks & Regards,

Saurabh Sharma

Team Lead


Phone: 609-897-9670 x 2165

Fax: 609-228-5522

Add: 38 Washington Road, Princeton Jn, NJ 08550 


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6 UI Developer Requirements.

Submit resume to
Add Yahoo:


Role: UI Developer

Location: Cupertino, CA

Duration: 6 Months+


Build pixel-perfect Web UI in: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Develop and create unit tests in open source MVC, or MVVM JavaScript frameworks Develop in open source web template languages Create design patterns in Web UI that are reusable, cross-browser compatible, and responsive Additional Requirements You will benefit from having knowledge of high performance web UI systems that are responsive and reusable between desktop and mobile platforms. We are a fast paced and dynamic group who employ Agile methodologies to deliver projects, prior experience in Agile and test-drive-development workflows will be highly regarded.



Role: UI Developer

Location: NYC, NY

Duration: 6 Months+


Exp level: 8-10 yrs.

Customer looking for a client-side developer in the User Experience Group tocreate captivating user interfaces for HTML-based applications. Candidate will have many years of experience working professionally with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, with asolid background in MVC programming and JavaScript patterns. A strong knowledgeof client-side libraries such as Sencha ExtJS & Touch, jQuery, AngularJS, performance& security issues, and Adobe Photoshop. The role focuses on faithfully implementingvisual and interaction design pixel for pixel and gesture for gesture. This front-enddeveloper would work closely with designers from the UX team and projectsdevelopment team to build out new views and implement functionality and design



Role: UI Developer

Location: Farmington Hills, MI

Duration: 6 Months+


Total exp – 5-8 yrs.


·         Experience with javascript, CSS, HTML5 , jQuery Mobile, LESS, SaaS BackboneJS, AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap is useful.



Role: UI Developer

Location: Milpitas, CA

Duration: 6 Months+


1)      UI development (Usability) of ecommerce web sites & enhancements

2)      Mandatory Skills: HTML, CSS3, JSON, JQuery, Javascript.

3)      Knowledge on ATG and retail domain is a plus.

4)      Knowledge on Agile-Scrum is a plus.


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urgent Requirement:::::::Oracle SCM @ Baltimore City,MD




Hope you are doing great…..!!!




Jobs Details

Role       Consultant - Oracle Functional

Experience Level             8-10YEAR

Location Of Posting : Baltimore City

Contract Duration            6+ Months            




Required Skill(s)              Consulting (L2) , Oracle Adv Functional (L1)

Essential Skill(s)               Oracle SCM Consulting (L2)


SUITe Skill(s)

Skill1 - Consulting (L2)

Ability to conduct Consulting engagements, do requirements gathering fromcustomers, understand business need and articulate solutions. Negotiation,Presentation Skills should be apt to showcase technology depth and breadth ofthe organization. Ability to map to the right stakeholders, multivendor/practice/party coordination. Proactive approach towards generatingdownstream business revenue by analyzing the as is business of the customer.Account Mining to generate opportunities.

Skill2 - Oracle Adv Functional (L1)

Advanced functional expertise in Oracle e-biz product corresponding to thefunctional domain in consideration. Ability to fully map functionalrequirements and integrate them into the final solution keeping in mind productfunctional and technical capabilities. Ability to train power users, design,develop and troubleshoot applications. Has experience across implementation andsupport projects and has knowledge of other types of projects - upgrade,migration and consolidation. Is able to understand other functional areas inthe sense of how they relate to his or her expertise. Knowledge of businessprocesses, representation of the same, and basic knowledge of processreengineering. Has a understanding of processes core domains (Fin, Mfg, SCM,HCM and CRM).

Essential Skill(s)

Skill1 - Oracle SCM Consulting (L2)

Basic / trained in process flows of core modules Understands the applicationsetups and business implications of the setups Requiurements gathering/AnalysisSolution design Implementation methodologies / design documents Conducting enduser trainings Awa


Thanks & Regards,


Chirag Kaushik

IT- Recruiter

Phone: 609-897-9670 x 2167


Fax: 609-228-5522

Address: 38 Washington Road, Princeton Jn, NJ 08550 


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Thanks & Regards,

Saurabh Sharma

Team Lead


Phone: 609-897-9670 x 2165

Fax: 609-228-5522

Add: 38 Washington Road, Princeton Jn, NJ 08550 


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