1. "All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. You can "already know for sure" things that could actually impede progress. Always be on the look out for the things you did not know, that you did not know. Secondly, work on strengthening personal belief that a particular will be achieved regardless of any adversity that may show up, or evidence to the contrary."- Mark Twain
2. “..I am easily satisfied by the very best.”- Churchill
3. "..that the confidence trick is the work of man, but the want-of-confidence trick is the work of the devil."- E.M. Forster (Howard's End)
Saurav Datta
IM: sauravdatta52@hotmail.com
Twitter : SauravDatta29
Mobile : +919930966518
"To those who believe in resistance , who live between hope and impatience and have learned the perils of being unreasonable.
To those who understand enough to be afraid, and yet retain their fury"
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