
Saturday, May 12, 2012

[LST] NO CHANGE IN CLAT'12 pattern

Ignore irresponsible, incoherent and confused reporting. Brush aside the pathetic efforts of those dilettantes who suffer from attention-seeking(not 'deficit') disorder, whatever be their level of "expert"ise or otherwise. Scotch all "rumours". No newspaper worth its salt would ever reveal details about the paper pattern other than those which have not already been displayed on the examination committee's website, because that would amount to a veritable leaking of the question paper. CLAT for all of you- shall have only MCQs. The Times of India article which mentions 10 short answer questions ( is ONLY for those who are appearing for the PG (LLM) entrance. You all are appearing for UG (LLB).



Saurav Datta



Twitter : SauravDatta29

Mobile :   +919930966518



"To those who believe in resistance , who live between hope and impatience and have learned the perils of being unreasonable.

To those who understand enough to be afraid, and yet retain their fury"



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