
Friday, May 11, 2012

'babule' blow by blow

Below is the speech Mnesa presented in parliament then:

The Zero Deficit Budget is a mockery to the suffering Malawians. MAFUNDE has got solid information that the K5 billion that the government claim to have over-collected is not correct. In fact, the Malawi Revenue Authority on December 30th and 31st, 2011 went to the Banks, NBS Bank, National Bank, Standard Bank, INDE Bank, Malawi Savings Bank and borrowed K15 billion, just to put into their account to show that they had over collected-(interjection: heeeee)

Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir: Honourable Member for Balaka South, that is a serious matter, a serious allegation, Leader of the House is standing to make a correction, Leader of the House.

Leader of the House (Hon. Dr. Chaponda) : Thank you, the First Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Honourable Member is totally out of order-

Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir: Order Members

Leader of the House (Hon. Dr. Chaponda) : He is not living up to our standing order 86, where a Member is responsible for accuracy of any facts which he alleges to be true, because what he s claiming-(noise)-

Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir: Members Order please

Leader of the House (Hon. Dr. Chaponda); What he is claiming it totally not true and I have also checked here with the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, let him produce evidence here, produce evidence here!

Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir: Thank you very much

Hon. Mnesa (MAFUNDE-Balaka South); Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir, I think this is deceit of the worst type from Government. If the Minister wants evidence, I would urge, Honourable First Deputy Speaker, Sir, to actually subpoena the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of these banks, they should come to Budget and Finance Committee and make a statement under oath. They will confirm that. (Noise)

Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir: Order please, Order please! Order on my left, Order on my left! The Leader of the House

Leader of the House (Hon. Dr. Chaponda): Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir, he is the one who has to produce evidence in this House, not a question of subpoena or whatever, but let him produce the evidence in this House, that is the requirement.

Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir: Honourable Member for Balaka South, order please, order please! Honourable Members we cannot go on like this, exchanging words. Honourable Member for Balaka South, you are making a very serious allegation which the Government side would want you to produce evidence. So the onus is on you to make that available, thank you. Can you continue?

Hon. Mnesa (MAFUNDE-Balaka South) Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like the Minister of Finance and Development Planning to get the statements of the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) because MRA is under his ministry and will show how much the MRA borrowed.

Mr. First Deputy Speaker, Sir, we are discussing a budget on whose basis is very shaky, I would argue the Minister of Finance and Development Planning to go back and do a proper budget statement to reflect what is on the ground, including the borrowing that the ministry made through MRA from the banks.—Zodiak Online

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